Cheap flights from Birmingham to New York

from as little as £542

7 nights in New York, departing Birmingham on 20 / Nov / 2024 with Virgin Atlantic (price found 12 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours
New York

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New York

Today alone, Netflights has searched over 2,435 flights. 20 / Nov / 2024 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the Birmingham/New York route. There are around 277 flights on any given week from the UK to New York and the cheapest month to fly right now is November.

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-5 °C


11 °C


28 °C

Rainfall (mm)

73.7 mm


98 mm


106.7 mm

Key facts about New York

How to get cheap flights from Birmingham to New York

Tips and advice from our flight experts

When you’re searching for cheap flights from Birmingham to New York, it’s worth thinking about the weather. NYC’s seasons are the same as the UK’s, but the American temperatures are more extreme. In July and August, the Big Apple is hot and humid, as the mercury regularly reaches the high-twenties. At the other end of the spectrum, January and February see snow and freezing temperatures. That said, if you can brace the cold, this is when you’ll find the cheapest flights to New York. For pleasant temperatures and reasonable prices, try looking for flights in May, September or October.

If you don’t have a specific date in mind, you could also try comparing airlines. A lot of popular airlines provide flights from Birmingham to New York, including Aer lingus, British Airways and Virgin Atlantic. But, no matter who you fly with, you can’t fly direct – your journey will involve at least one stop on the way.

Alternatively, you could find cheap New York flights by searching by airport. New York is served by a trio of airports – John F Kennedy Airport (JFK), Newark Liberty International (EWR) and La Guardia (LGA). In fact, there are 277 flights from Birmingham Airport (BHX) to, or via, New York every week – and we’ve scanned them all to help you find the best deals.

FAQs about flights from Birmingham to New York

Which airlines fly from Birmingham to New York?
Your airline options vary, depending on the airport you fly to. If you want to fly to JFK from Birmingham, you can fly with Aer Lingus, Air France, British Airways or Brussels Airlines – to name a few. For flights to Newark Airport, meanwhile, your airline options include Swiss, Lufthansa and United Airlines. Or, you could fly with Air Canada, Delta or KLM to La Guardia Airport.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to New York?
Look out for New York flights with Aer Lingus, Air France or British Airways, as they often have the cheapest deals.

Can I fly direct from Birmingham to New York?
Unfortunately not – all flights from Birmingham to New York involve at least one stopover.

How long is the flight from Birmingham to New York?
The length of the flight depends on the length of your stopover, but the fastest flight time from Birmingham to New York is about 10 hours.

How do I get into New York from JFK Airport?
It’s very easy to get into New York from John F Kennedy Airport. If you have several suitcases, it might be best to take a taxi – it’ll cost you at least £45. Alternatively, you could book a shuttle bus to take you straight to your hotel. If you want to save some cash, the AirTrain is a good option. It connects all JFK’s terminals to the Long Island Rail Road and the New York subway. If you catch the Long Island Rail Road, it’ll take you roughly 40 minutes to reach Pennsylvania Station – and a ticket costs around £17. For an even cheaper journey, take the ‘E’ train to Times Square or Penn Station. This train to Manhattan takes up to an hour, but it’ll cost you less than a tenner.

How do I get into New York from Newark Airport?
Newark Airport is actually in New Jersey, not New York. And, owing to the distance, taxis and shuttle buses are rather expensive. If you can, it’s cheaper to get the train. A ticket is about £10 and it’ll take no more than 45 minutes. Trains run all day, except between 2am and 5am – worth remembering if you’re landing early in the morning. Outside of these hours, you just need to catch the AirTrain to Newark Airport train station, then take a New Jersey Transit train to Penn Station in Manhattan.

How do I get into New York from La Guardia Airport?
La Guardia is just eight miles from central Manhattan, making it the nearest airport to New York. Even so, a cab ride still costs at least £40. Shuttle transfers can be a cheaper option, but prices vary depending on your hotel location and group size. For the cheapest option, get the bus. It’s only about £5 a ticket but the journey lasts about an hour. From La Guardia terminal, you’ll just need to take the bus to Jackson Heights-Roosevelt Ave station, and then catch the subway towards your hotel.

What are the top things to do in New York?
Naturally, The City That Never Sleeps has an endless list of things to do. Admire the city’s iconic skyline from the top of the Empire State Building, stroll over Brooklyn Bridge, and take the ferry to the Statue of Liberty. There are plenty of interesting museums in New York, too – historic Ellis Island and the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) are both certainly worth a visit. Elsewhere, you can treat yourself on Fifth Avenue, or escape the crowds with a leisurely walk around Central Park.

Do I need a visa to travel to New York?
If you’re travelling on a British passport, you don’t need a visa to go to America – you just need an ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorisation). You can apply online and, once you’ve received your confirmation, you’ll be able to visit the USA for up to 90 days.

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